Subdivision “Sumy Professional College, National University of Food Technologies” 

General information about the college

    The Subdivision “Sumy Professional College, National University of Food Technologies”  is a professional pre-higher education institution.. It acts in accordance with the law about education. 

Contact us:

Registered address: 68, Volodymyrskaya Street, Kyiv, 01033 Ukraine.

Mail address:

Subdivision “Sumy Professional College, National University of Food Technologies” 60, Yaroslava Mudrogo Street, Sumy, 40009, Ukraine.

E-mail: [email protected].  


    Subdivision “Sumy Professional College, National University of Food Technologies” was founded in October 1, 1928 when the chemical branch of the sugar industry was opened at  Sumy Mechanical School.

    In 1930, August 24 the Chemical College of  Sugar Industry was established on the basis of this department, which was renamed to the Technological Technical School of  Sugar Industry in August 1, 1934.

    In 1937,  Chemical Engineering College united with Accounting College. It was  Sumy Technological College.

    Since January 8, 1944, the Technical School began its work under the name of Sumy Technological College of Sugar Industry.

    In 1996, the educational institution was renamed to the Sumy Technical School of Food Industry.

   On July 3, 2003, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Technical School was transferred to the National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv) and it was named Sumy Food Industry College NUFT.

   Since September 1, 2004, the Sumy Regional Education and Research Center of the National University of Food Technologies  (the IV th   level of accreditation)  has been established on the basis of the college. Our graduates  have the opportunity to enter the third course of this faculty and  get higher education in the related specialty.

   According to the order of the National University of Food Technologies dated November 6, 2015, No. 176,  Sumy Food Industry Technical School NUFT was renamed to the Sumy Food Industry College NUFT.

   The college is constantly developing, expanding the directions and  modern specialists means of training . A new specialty “Hotel and Restaurant Business “ was opened in 2018. Since 2020,  the college has been named  Subdivision “Sumy Professional College, National University of Food Technologies” in 2020.

   Educational – professional programs list of  Professional Junior Bachelors training.

Subdivision “Sumy Professional College, National University of Food Technologies” 

Branch of knowledge
Code Name Code Specialty

Educational-professional programs

12 Information Technology 123 Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
17 Electronics, automation and electronic communications 174 Automation,  computer-integrated technologies and robotics Automation and computer-integrated technologies
18 Production and Technology 181 Food Technology Flour, confectionary and food concentrates production
Food production
24 Service sector 241 Hotel-restaurant business Restaurant servise

   In addition to the educational and scientific processes, students take an active part in the college`s social, cultural and sport activities. Many students are attracted to all-time participation in amateur-talent groups and creative studios. Such events as Day of Health, Cossacks Persecution take place at our college every year.

   Much attention  is paid to physical training classes and military-patriotic work at our college.  There are a lot of different types of sport clubs at the college. There are such sport sections at sport club “Yunist” as mini football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and floorball.

   The college teams  constantly take an active part in the sport events of the city and  region. As a rule, our students win prizes.

   For the purpose of vocational guidance, championships, tournaments, competitions are held between the teams of city schools and youth sport clubs.                                  

  Teaching Staff

   Successful educational process of the college is guaranteed by the high professional level of its teachers.

   The educational process in college is provided by 47 full-time teachers, among them 2 teachers of methodology, 4 senior lecturers, 38 teachers of the highest qualification category, including 6 candidates of science. Also 6 teachers of the first qualification category, 7 teachers of the second qualification category and 1 teacher specialist.

   47 teachers: 9 doctors of philosophy  (PhD), 38 teachers have a higher qualification category, 5 teachers were assigned the pedagogical rank “senior teacher”, methodist teacher”, 7 teachers have the badge of Excellence in Education of Ukraine.


   The college library offers a wide range of high quality resources and services to support our students.

   The library fund is formed according to the profile of the institution and information needs of all categories of users. There are a lot of textbooks, periodicals, reference books, dictionaries, methodological literature. Internet and electronic resources are available.

   In addition to the basic literature, one can find and use e-books and periodicals. Also there are a lot of computer programs and electronic educational tests which are created by teachers of our college and loaded in the computer ‘s network.

   The Library Fund has 48860 copies, including educational literature – 40492 copies, periodical professional editions – about 1000 copies. Library fund is constantly updated, maintained at the required quantitative and qualitative levels.

   The college library has separate, modernly equipped rooms for the arrangement of the subscription. The total area of the reading room and bookshops is about 205 sq. m.. Reading room area is 52 sq. m. and it has 45 seats. The reading room has computers for students with free Internet access.

   The college created an information and copying center, which is a structural unit of the library and provides students with electronic media literature access. Students can work with laptops, use the WI-FI service, print educational and teaching materials.

   The library page is available on the official website of the college and in social networks. It provides information about the history of the library, its activities, goals and rules. There is an electronic catalog of the books` stock. Also e-books are created.

   The Library constantly informs about interesting materials, current news, announcements, etc.

 The material and technical base of the college.

   The college is located in two educational buildings, the total area of ​​which is 10723,3 square meters. The training area is 3918.5 sq. m., which is 6.5 square meters per student of full-time education (at normative indicators of DBN V.2.2-3-97 depending on the purpose of the study premises from 2.4 to 6.0 sq. for 1 student). The main building is connected with the transition from a hostel of sectional type to 300 seats. Our students are provided with a hostel. All household and auxiliary apartments are enforced with sanitary standards.

   The computing center has been operating in the college since 1996.

   7 computer classes fully provide professional training for specialists of all specialties. Today, the educational institution operates 182 units of computer equipment. There is a sufficient number of scanners, laser and inkjet printers, a wide-format A1 printer, multimedia projectors.

   The college has unlimited connection to the Internet information network.

   The institution`s local network provides access to all students and teachers, as well as residents of the dormitory.

   There is a gym to conduct training classes at the college. It is located in a separate building with total area of ​​511,5 sq. m: a gymnastic complex, a sports ground, a military barrier with obstacles, power and wrestling rooms with appropriate sporting projectiles and inventory, 25-meter rifle shooting range.

   According to the existing curricula and programs of training specialists in the college there are 24 specialized laboratories, 28 class rooms, which have the necessary logistic support, give out safety equipment and the current sanitary and hygienic standards. The classrooms and laboratories are equipped with a fire alarm system.

         Scientific activity

    Science is an integral part of the college`s  educational process that provides an opportunity to enhance the quality of professional training.

   The scientific work of college teachers covers the following areas: individual scientific activities (publications and participation in scientific conferences and seminars), postgraduate study and research work, defense of dissertations and preparation for their presentations, publication of monographs, textbooks and articles.

   Areas of scientific research works of teachers who already have degrees are various.

   The results of the scientific activity of the teachers of our college are reflected in the publications of the scientific professional journals «Baking and confectionery industry of Ukraine», «Grain crops and feed», «Current scientific researches in the modern world», « Bulletin of NTU «KhPI», «Sugar of Ukraine», European Journal of Advanced Technology.

   “Food Industry”, “Technological Audit and Production Reserves” articles are presented in the journal of scientific works of NUFT, in the collection of scientific works of the T. Shevchenko National University.

   Teachers of our college take an active part in international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences. The reports of the participants of the conferences are presented in the collections of materials of the mentioned conferences.

    The research work of students is intended to help students to improve and master the studying material, methods and means of solving industrial and scientific tasks. It helps to get new skills and perform their work in educational and extra-curricular classes.

   Scientific research work of students is carried out through the implementation of complex tasks during practical classes. Students are engaged in taking part of production of laboratory stands, installations and equipment models. The results of the work are used in the educational process. Senior students design new WEB-sites, computer programs . Great attention is paid to the diploma projects performing. These diploma projects are ordered by enterprises. It has the elements of scientific research work. We always have some different companies` cover letters.

   Every year our college holds a scientific and practical conferences, where students present their scientific works and achievements.

             International Cooperation

   In 2018, a cooperation agreement was signed between Subdivision “Sumy Professional College, National University of Food Technologies” and the LLC International College of Industrialization and Protection of the Population against Disasters and Accidents (Bulgaria, Varna). The aim of the agreement is to provide students with competencies and necessary educational skills. It is a great opportunity to use research activities and get a new experience.

   Subdivision “Sumy Professional College, National University of Food Technologies” has a glorious history, outstanding graduates and achievements.

   We carefully preserve the whole experience of the past years and our traditions.